We aim to liberate recruiters from the burden of scheduling

BetterMeeting is built for recruiters by recruiters. We walk the walk and use Bettermeeting for scheduling in our recruiting process.

Bettermeeting was inspired by countless we as recruiters spent going back and forth between hiring managers and candidates trying to align everyone's availability across countless timezones and stages of interview process.


Merging CRM and ERP data gives you an always up-to-date, predictable view of runway and cash balance.


Merging CRM and ERP data gives you an always up-to-date, predictable view of runway and cash balance.


Merging CRM and ERP data gives you an always up-to-date, predictable view of runway and cash balance.

Team building the culture heading three

Our Founders

Our team has led and delivered large-scale software and design projects in multiple startups and high-growth environments like Uber, Airbnb and Coinbase.

Viktor Lopatkin
Previously co-founded a tech recruiting firm that helped hundreds of US tech companies hire thousands of engineers
Oleg Nesterov
Co-founder, CTO
Runs a software development agency with 120+ engineers. Oleg's agency built a number of HR/Recruiting products for high profile clients